Ubiquiti RD-5G31-AC airMAX Carrier Class 2×2 PtP Bridge Dish Antenna, Dual Linear Polarization, 31 dBi Antenna Gain
Pair the RocketM’s radio with the RocketDish antenna’s reach to create the endpoint of a high-performance, Point-to-Point (PtP) backhaul. On the right is one example of how the RocketDish can be deployed.
Superior Performance
The Ubiquiti Research and Development team engineered the RocketDish RD-5G31-AC with high isolation and Front-to-Back (F/B) ratio.
The main benefit is improved Signal-to-Noise Ratio (S/N or SNR). The improved F/B ratio and lower sidelobes reduce the interference from other transmitters in the area – potentially on the same tower. The improved S/N ratio allows a higher-order modulation to be used, for example, 128QAM rather than 16QAM. This in turn increases the number of bits per second for a fixed bandwidth, which is also known as the data rate.